Nearly all of my zines are up for purchase digitally or physically) or trade, and you can find more info on them on Instagram

I Forgot Why I Thought This Would Be Fun
...or IFWIT for short. This is how it all started; with my zine of little comics (about two or three stories per issue) for my slice-of-life and one-shots. There are currently three of these IFWIT-propers. I try to make at least one a year, but comics are hard.

IFWIT Sketch & Story
These began as sketch zines to collect every single sketch from every single sketchbook and scrap of paper I could find, and it quickly evolved into a place to keep not only the sketches of my youth, but a place to keep new sketches, character designs, musical playlists, and stories big and small.

IFWIT Presents...
A running showcase of themed zines, some of which are in production or pre-production

An IFWIT Minute
I have a lot of zine ideas and not a lot of time, so these zines are ones I made within a day or so.

Fold-zines currently only available in person, at shows, and via trades.

IFWIT's Forgetful Funsters!
Forgetful Funsters is IFWIT's first collaborative zine project.
To find out how you can contribute to the next issue - click the headline (on hiatus).

IFWIT Distro
Zines of friends who don't have anywhere else to distribute.

Click on these to get to their respective sites.
National Teenset Outsider, Out for Blood, Knock Knock, You're Standing On My Neck, The Friend Zone, Going Gray, Karaoke, Built from Human Parts

Free to read online
The Loop, Galactic Dreams, Reminisce, Red Zone 2, Morning Coffee, Boss Rush

Class Comic Projects
You can click these ones and read them. These aren't zines, but class assignments from my school days. In order, they are, MCC Anthologies (single-page comics to fit that semester's theme), Sci-Fi Pub (my FIRST multi-page comic, made in lieu of a final paper for English class - a comic based on each book I had to read for class - professor challenged us to do this, and I did it), Stakes & Torches (a comic based on a song by Aurelio Voltaire), and A Voice in the Dark (based on the first segment of my favourite mission from the exercise/running app Zombies, Run!)

© Fawndolyn, 1996-2022.